New Beginnings - June 2024

Man makes his plans and God directs his steps. Way Cool People is building “New Hope” in the Caribe desert as a home for single moms, orphans, and windows, to shelter during the storms of life, and a carpentry school to take children off the streets and give them a lucrative career and bring “New Hope” to their community. 

Even beyond a building is our hearts desire to focus on each precious child to give them a future and a hope greater than what they can see or image. 

At a moment a child is listening to you, what can they learn from you at that moment that will inspire them to walk a different path to create a future that they cannot yet see that will change their life. All because you took the time to give them your moment at the moment they were listening. 

Thank you for being an integral part of our Way Cool People team to change lives for a future and a hope.  


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