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Surprise Blessings - August 2024

Over the years, one of our favorite ways of reaching out to the community has been through bringing delicious surprise treats to public servants and workers throughout the city.  Since 2010, this has been one of the fun activities that create long-lasting and meaningful relationships. 

Come with us on a video tour as we bring freshly prepared breakfast burritos to give sustenance to the hard-working gardeners, street sweepers, diligent trash collectors, guards and maintenance crews who work conscientiously to keep operations running smoothly. Celebrate with these workers as they share their huge smiles and head off to start their day.  

In the sweltering afternoon summer heat, an ice-cold bottle of water and a beautifully decorated, freshly made doughnut brings joy to the Police, the Fire Department and even local vendors!  Connecting one-on-one with Public Servants, workers on duty, and street workers changes the trajectory of their hot and hectic day to one of surprise happiness.  We strive to ensure that each individual feels personally appreciated for the excellent work they do. 

We involve the children in our outreach activities as it warms the hearts of public servants to receive gratitude from the next generation.  It also teaches the children to respect their elders, no matter who they are, from the street sweepers to those shouldering an important position of authority.   

We endeavor to teach the children to respect workers, no matter what their job may be.  We want the next generation to notice and acknowledge these adults busily working all around them. The work of these public servants is extremely valuable and important to a healthy, functioning community.  

One policeman has been on the job for 39 years.  His life has been dedicated to serving our community.  He shared that we warmed his heart through our gesture of appreciation for his efforts.   

Showing our appreciation and gratitude for the work others do is a seemingly simple gesture that has tremendous impact beyond what we see right now.  

In a world growing colder and more impersonal by the day, it is important for us to reach out in love and appreciation to honor the efforts of our hard-working community.  We want to be the hands and feet of the Lord here on earth.  It is the surprise blessing that opens the door of their hearts and enables them to see the miracles of God in their daily lives.   

You are an integral part of our team as we reach out together to change lives. We could not do this without you.  Thank you so much for being an active part of our Way Cool community! 

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